Control No. 10601
Machine Type Tractors
Last Updated(JST) 2022-09-24 18:32:34 +0900
New/Used Used
Manufacturer #N/A
Model GS251
Horse Power 25
Hour Meter 475
Drive Type
Fuel Type Diesel
Size(L × W × H) 1650x3450x1980
Weight 1400
Maintenance Maintained


Mitsubishi Tractor GS251XMY5M Beauty Full Equipment Model Number: 20714 (Aircraft Saze) Total Length: 3450mm Total Width: 1650mm Heavy Weight: about 1400kg (Institutional Information)*Awometer: 475 Hours*25 Horseエンジン*エアコン付キャビン*CDプレイヤー&AM.FMラジオ*MAC耕深自動制御*MAC水平自動制御*おまかせ機能*Sモード*クイックアップ(ポンパ)*旋回アップ*バックアップ*倍速旋回*オートブレーキ旋回*PTO逆転付*4WD切替レバー*超低速(クリープ)完備*カップホルダ*フロント、リアワイパー*ロータリー型式:RA159 (耕うん幅1500mm)*ロータリースタンド*ロータリー防泥ゴムカバー*ワンタッチヒッチ完備(5Pヒッチ)*前後左右作業灯完備(整備内容)*エンジンオイル3.8L交換*フロントアクスルギアオイル4.6L交換*ロータリーギアケースオイル2L交換*ロータリーチェンケースギアオイル1L交換*クーラント(不凍液)交換*エンジンオイルフィルター交換*燃料エレメント交換*エアクリーナーエレメント交換*バッテリー60B24R交換*ファンベルト張り調整*チェンケース保護カバー交換*ロータリーブラケット側保護カバー交換*耕うん爪 一式交換*下回り錆止め塗装仕上げ*タイヤ空気圧調整*各部グリースアップ(その他情報)*前輪Tire: As shown in the image, there is little decrease and it is in a very beautiful state.*Later wheel tires: The reduction as shown in the image is very beautiful. Please be assured that we will be assured*Knails: We have replaced it with a new set at our company.*Engin: It is in great shape with one shot. It has been confirmed. It is good.*Inside, the exterior and interior are the best cars in a very beautiful state as shown in the image. Of course, it was used carefully in the garage storage item. For used cars, some dirt. Please note that there are file scratches, etc.*5P Putchi is also fully equipped, and it is easy to replace the target. I**。 ア ワ ア。。。 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽 軽In the case of possible (nearby prefectures), cash exchanges are also possible. Others should be transferred by bank*If the timing matches, you may be able to deliver cheaply by mixed flights, so please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for inquiries*Multiple detailed images are also posted on our home page, so I am glad if you can check it.

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